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The Tale of a Child, a Bicycle, and a Rooster’s Comical Journey

In a quaint village where the air buzzed with the thrill of endless possibilities, a spirited child embarked on an amusing adventure. Blissfully unaware of the conventional boundaries that confined the minds of others, this daring youngster set out to create a spectacle that would leave the village in stitches – placing a rooster on the bicycle’s passenger seat.
The story unfolds in a world unburdened by skepticism, where the absence of cynics allowed creativity to flourish. Armed with boundless enthusiasm and an unwavering belief in the whimsical, the child approached the peculiar task.Undaunted by the sheer absurdity of the mission, the child began the delightful experiment by introducing the rooster to the comfortable perch of the bicycle’s passenger seat. Through a series of comical encounters and mishaps, the unlikely pair developed a peculiar camaraderie.
As the child nurtured the rooster’s newfound appreciation for the bicycle’s passenger seat, the village found themselves charmed by the sheer absurdity of the scene. Laughter echoed through the air as the rooster sat regally, surveying the surroundings from its peculiar vantage point.The tale of the rooster on the bicycle’s passenger seat becomes a celebration of the child’s imagination and the laughter that can be born from the most unconventional ideas. The village, initially puzzled, soon embraced the hilarity of the situation, realizing that sometimes the most memorable journeys are the ones that defy logic.This story speaks of the joy that emerges when one dares to push the boundaries of the ordinary, creating laughter merriment in a world that sometimes takes itself too seriously.
In a world where limitations are frequently dictated by the perceived boundaries of reality, this story celebrates the magic that unfolds when one dares to dream without restraint. It underscores the importance of fostering an environment where creativity can thrive, unencumbered by the shackles of doubt.Ultimately, the child’s triumph extends beyond the realm of the improbable. It becomes a testament to the limitless potential that resides within each of us, waiting to be unlocked by the key of self-belief. The rooster on the bicycle is not just a whimsical anecdote but a profound lesson in embracing the unknown, defying skepticism, and proving that, indeed, nothing is impossible when one believes in the power of their dreams.

Nurturing Tomorrow: A Guide to Effective Parenting

In the ever-evolving landscape of parenting, the pursuit of effective strategies becomes more crucial than ever. As parents, we aspire to provide a nurturing environment that fosters growth, resilience, and happiness for our children. Let’s explore some key principles and practical tips for effective parenting.

1.Communication is Key: Effective parenting begins with open and honest communication. Create a safe space where your child feels comfortable expressing thoughts and feelings. Listen actively, validate their emotions, and engage in meaningful conversations to build a strong parent-child bond.

2.Set Clear Boundaries: Establishing clear and consistent boundaries helps children understand expectations and develop a sense of security. Balance between being firm and flexible, providing a framework that guides behavior while allowing room for exploration and growth.

3.Lead by Example: Children learn by observing. Be a positive role model by demonstrating the values and behaviors you wish to instill in them. Show kindness, empathy, resilience, and a commitment to continuous learning. Your actions speak louder than words.

4.Encourage Independence: Foster independence by allowing age-appropriate decision-making. Encourage them to take on responsibilities and learn from their experiences. This not only builds confidence but also teaches valuable life skills.

5.Quality Time Over Quantity: In our busy lives, it’s essential to prioritize quality time with your child. Create special moments for bonding, whether it’s through shared activities, family outings, or simply spending time together. These moments create lasting memories and strengthen your connection.

6.Embrace Positive Discipline: Discipline is about teaching, not punishing. Focus on positive reinforcement, guiding your child towards making better choices. Encourage problem-solving and emphasize the consequences of actions, fostering a sense of responsibility.

7.Stay Informed and Adaptable: Parenting evolves as children grow. Stay informed about their developmental stages, educational needs, and emotional well-being. Be adaptable in your parenting approach, recognizing that what works for one child may not work for another.

8.Promote a Love for Learning: Cultivate a love for learning by making education enjoyable. Support their curiosity, explore diverse interests, and create a learning-friendly environment at home. Show enthusiasm for their achievements and encourage a growth mindset.

Effective parenting is a continuous journey of learning, adapting, and embracing the unique qualities of each child. By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, leading by example, and promoting a love for learning, we can create a foundation for our children to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so be patient, stay engaged, and enjoy the rewarding experience of guiding your child towards a bright and fulfilling future.

Maintaining Harmony at Home

Do Daily Struggles Affect Our Home Life?

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s not uncommon for our patience levels to dwindle by evening. We find ourselves venting anger and frustration at home, even over trivial matters involving our loved ones. But why does this happen? Could it be linked to our daily commute or work-related stress?

The Toll of Daily Commutes

Long commutes to work can sap our energy and patience. It’s possible that we haven’t achieved our work targets, faced criticism from superiors, or dealt with underperforming subordinates. Perhaps it’s the pressure of unfulfilled business ideas or arguments with fellow commuters. Whatever the reason, should our family members bear the brunt of our negative emotions? Should our relationships suffer due to a bad day at the office or a stressful business meeting?

A Cobbler’s Wisdom

Consider the story of a humble cobbler. Every evening, before entering his home, he would hammer a nail into the wall. Intrigued, someone asked him why he did this. The cobbler explained that his job wasn’t highly esteemed, and he often felt upset or angry. He didn’t want to bring these negative emotions home. When he walked through the door, he wanted to be greeted by the happiness of his children and spouse. He believed he deserved that moment of joy at home. So, he hammered that nail daily, leaving his anger and irritation outside.

Lessons for All

This simple tale imparts valuable lessons. We all experience stress and anxiety from time to time, but should our families suffer alongside us? Surely, we all desire happy and healthy households. That’s why we propose a metaphorical “nail in the wall” for everyone.

Preserve Happiness at Home

Let your home be a sanctuary of joy and tranquility. As you approach your door, leave the baggage of the day’s frustrations outside. Maintain a happy and healthy family by ensuring that your loved ones don’t bear the weight of your daily struggles.

In conclusion, by metaphorically hammering a nail in the wall before entering your home, you can keep negativity at bay and preserve the happiness and well-being of your family. A happy family is a healthy family, and this small act can make a big difference in your daily life.

Teach your children kindness when interacting with neurodivergent kids.

“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world.” Quote by Barack Obama.

Empathy is a key ingredient in positive friendships and relationships. It reduces conflict and misunderstandings and leads to helping Behaviour, kindness, and even greater success in life in general.

We all have been taught to be kind and compassionate for one and all but are we really implementing it? There are several questions that hits my mind when I see children now a days not being empathetic towards neurodivergent kids. Is it because of lack of understanding, lack of compassion or fear. I realize it is our responsibility to teach our younger ones how to be kind and understanding towards other kids with disabilities or disorders.

Child learn what they see. Let’s pledge to teach our kids kindness and compassion for kids with special needs. Below I have mentioned a few strategies to teach our kids empathy towards neurodivergent kids: –

  • Preach what you teach- Sometimes unknowingly we use abusive words in front of our children ignoring the fact that Children are like sponges soaking up all that they see, hear, read and feel around them. Instead display the act of kindness choose your words correctly, avoid labelling any human on the basis of their disabilities or disorder.
  • Monitor and educate- Since this generation is too much tech savvy there are several mediums of media that they follow, all we need is to ensure they must listen to positive messaging. Read stories with moral values of kindness, empathy and positivity.
  • Duty and responsibility towards society- On Birthdays and other special days encourage them to visit orphanage, old age home or any community service centers. Where they will learn the act of kindness.
  • Stop name calling and labelling- It is never appropriate to label anyone on the basis of their body, colour, religion or cast. We need to ensure not to do same in front of our children and correct them when observed doing same.
  • Praise their empathetic Behaviour- As many times your child showing act of kindness and empathetic Behaviour do not miss a chance to acknowledge and appreciate them. This may encourage such acts in future as well.

Counsel your child often and encourage them doing community work. Raising children and instilling good ethical, mental, personal and physical attitudes in children is necessary and so is finding some inspiration to excel at this incredibly difficult task in the best possible way, to swap lows with highs. This selfless, unconditional love and nurturing is what turns a bud into a blossoming flower.

Help your child do better in studies.

Help your child do better in studies

Educationists always wonder about the percentage of the pupils who are not regular in their work and often miss homework. There is no magic wand that can be used by either the parents or the teachers. So what is it that creates such a huge gap between performers and non performers even though there is not much difference in the potential of both the categories?

The answer is motivation, discipline and punctuality. Helping your child to excel in studies doesn’t need complicated theories or deluxe teaching aids.  All it requires is a structure and conscious adherence to it on the part of both the parents and the children. 

  1. Be an involved parent and cultivate trust with your child-  When it comes to studies, teachers opine that the involved parents are like the backbone providing support to the children. When children understand that their parents’ value education, it conditions their mind to follow that path. 

          Children who trust their parents and enjoy good relationships with them have more confidence and are able to succeed.

  • Be a role model-  Children learn and imitate behaviors by observing and listening. They do what they ‘see’, not what they are ‘told’. If parents model good reading habits and culture at home, children are surely going to follow.
  • Help your children cultivate self-discipline- When children are exposed to following routines and instructions, they are more aware and open to cultivate self discipline.
  1. Create a schedule-  Creating a schedule is like providing a structure, setting the boundaries and expectations before the mind goes stray.  Whatever the age, a child should be involved in the making of the schedule and it should be realistic.
  2. Regular monitoring- Monitoring will keep the parent and child in loop  about the homework, revisions and new learnings.
  3.  Avoid absenteeism– A child is not burdened with pending assignments and submissions if  he/she is regular to school and punctual in homework. By following this they get ample rest and play time.
  4. Praise the effort- Celebrate all aspects of school achievements and efforts equally. When the parent is involved in studies, they understand the child’s effort in each step. Do not wait for the year end result. Award the efforts  which in turn motivates the child to continue the efforts and achieve desired success at the end of the year.
  5. Talk beyond the books– Study time need not be restricted to books and school work only. Engage your children in conversations pertaining to books, Movies, TV Programs, current affairs etc.  It broadens their outlook and elevates self confidence. Knowledge is power.
  6.  Attend parent teacher meetings- Make it a priority to attend all meetings and discuss your ward’s studies, activities and areas of improvement.
  7.  Spend time with your children- Consciously spend quality time with your children. 
  • Have meals with them.
  • Have one on one time with them, without any gadgets or other distraction.
  • Talk about and get involved in their interests and activities. 
  • Have positive talk about teachers and school authorities-  Express respect, confidence and trust in school teachers and the administration. Talk about them in a positive tone. Children look up to their teachers with respect and admiration which encourages them to perform well . If you have any concerns, use your wisdom whether to discuss it in front of the child or it can be avoided.
  • I hope this article helps in providing a structure and flow to both the parents as well as children and they achieve their full potential.                           ‘ Either you run the day, or the day runs you’ —– Jim Rohan



Meenakshi Agrawal

Follow on Instagram @parentingwithmeenakshi


Lets support our kid’s to know their resources!

Know your resources.

My whole life I was busy checking everything I didn’t have! everything that was missing from my life to be successful! everything God did not give me! How everyone was being unfair to me! How everyone else should be so that I could achieve everything in my life what I deserve!

Trust me nothing worked! nobody changed! the world remains the same, people in my life are being themselves, then what is going wrong?

The moment I shifted my belief from what I don’t have, to what I do have. I started acknowledging my resources, I started focusing on taking steps and getting things done for me with courage and responsibility.

Start counting your resources to maximize them and double the skills, our resources are always present with us, it takes a positive mind to acknowledge them and use them for our situations.

But the big question arises, how can I make my children see their resources, make them feel strong in what they have?

I traveled all the way back to my childhood to check what was stopping me from acknowledging what I was blessed with! the answer I got was not surprising! it was a rapidly changing world that demands all of us to keep running at full speed to catch up with what is trendy, that made all of us run after everything that we don’t have. I saw people setting their dreams or goals in life according to the latest trends. We can never be aware of our real needs and form a goal if we don’t see what resources we have, we can never plan our next conscious step towards betterment.

  • Pause and say thank you:

I decided to pause and ask my children to pause with me to say thank you to everything around us, thank you for lifting my garbage, thank you for dropping me to school, thank you for staying awake the whole night and giving us a safe night sleep, thank you for coming to school for teaching us, thank you God for everything.

  • Avoid comparison:

I focus on my children’s capacity they are so different from each other and need different sets of support to reach to their full potential. Comparison can break their real capacity and might throw them into anxiety and depression. Life is full of opportunity only if we don’t waste it by chasing what others have.

  • Introduce limits and boundaries:

My constant providing will make my children dependent whether it is my love, kindness, or any materialistic things, by introducing limits and boundaries in my family I can put conscious stimulus for all the members to respect each other’s individuality and know the limits for community living with peace and harmony.

  • Invite co-operation:

I always thought that no one could do the work as I could and I never invited any co-operation, my personality played a big role in it, ended up losing my resources and left them unused. I shifted my belief and started acknowledging my resources and using them in full to be the best resource for my loved ones. Now I am teaching my children to observe everything from a positive frame of mind, to find an opportunity in every situation.

  • Practice forgiveness:

Level of my empathy increases with number of mistakes I do; my mistakes always remind me of being human and allowing other human beings to be wrong in their own way.  I teach my children to forgive others to move forward and keep taking steps. When we forgive others and be empathetic it helps us in staying committed towards our goal.


“Let’s Support our children in acknowledging  their resources to feel strong and use it for their betterment”.

How to balance work and parenting

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How to balance work and parenting


A healthy work-life balance is good for your children, your family relationships and you. When you become a parent it brings along a lot of responsibilities. Now a days both the parents are working. And parenting itself is a full- time job. It becomes difficult sometimes for the new parents to adjust and adapt the new job of parenting. Working parents have the pressure to be perfect at work and also as a parent and spouse. Sometimes they feel overworked, stressed and low. Parenting is not easy. But you can make it easier by following these tips: –

  1. Take time and evaluate-

Take your time and understand how different parts of life are impacting one another and what necessary steps you need to take in order to balance your life happily.

  1. Time efficiency-

Don’t be distracted by work responsibility and child responsibility. When at work be efficient with your work and don’t stay away from home for overtime. Likewise at home spend quality time with your child avoiding cell phones and other work distractions.

  1. Plan your weekly schedule-

Scheduling your time helps you to complete your task more efficiently. Map your parenting time with kid’s activities.

  1. Have time for yourself-

Food and sleep are the basic requirements which need to be fulfilled. Eat well and get enough sleep to be healthy and active to manage everything.

  1. Let go the guilt-

There are some good days and bad days. May be in some important milestone of your child you may not be there to support and cheer them. Don’t ever have the guilt of it rather than think about the support you are giving to your family.

  1. Organizing at night-

Get all the necessary things like, arranging bags, clothes to be worn, groceries required in the morning etc. ready at night itself. It will make morning easier.

  1. Share responsibilities-

Share your daily responsibilities or household chores you’re your partner or other family members. Co-ordinate your schedules and child care arrangements, and divide up household chores.

  1. Work place support-

Be open with your employer about your parenting. Talk in advance about the leaves and childcare policies at your organization. Have an honest relationship with your employer.

  1. Dinner table rules-

This should be the time when the whole family sits together. Make sure you don’t watch TV and mobile phone should also be kept away at this time. Talk about your day and share things with kids too.


When you have a good work-life balance, you’re more likely to have the mental and emotional energy to give your children the loving attention they need to develop, learn and thrive.

There is no such thing as perfect parenting so just be the real one. – Sue Atkins

Empowering Your Children to Excel in Today’s Competitive World: Insights from Kota’s Tragedies


The recent tragic suicides among students in Kota, India, have once again highlighted the enormous pressures and intense competition young people face today. To provide context, this year alone, 23 students have taken their lives, with four months still to go, compared to 15 last year. As parents, guardians, and educators, it is our collective responsibility to empower our children to face this competition while safeguarding their mental and emotional well-being. In this blog, we will discuss ways to empower your children to navigate the challenges of today’s competitive world, drawing inspiration from the unfortunate events in Kota.

1. Open Communication

Empowering your children begins with establishing open lines of communication. Encourage them to freely share their thoughts, fears, and aspirations with you. Ask open-ended questions and practice active listening. Validate their feelings and share your own experiences. Avoid judgment and engage in problem-solving together. Open communication should not be a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Make it clear that your child can talk to you about anything, anytime, and that your love and support are unwavering. Create an environment where they feel safe discussing their struggles and anxieties. This way, you let your child know they are not alone in their struggles, and you can offer support and guidance when they need it most.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

Acknowledge that every child has unique abilities and limitations. Their potential may not align with societal expectations. Just as not every tree grows at the same rate, not every child will excel in the same way or at the same pace. Understand your child’s strengths and areas that may need improvement, and support them accordingly without imposing unrealistic goals. Focus on helping them discover their strengths and interests. Avoid comparing your child to others, whether it’s their siblings, friends, or classmates, as this can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unnecessary stress. Encourage self-reflection, help them establish incremental goals, emphasize that mistakes are learning opportunities, encourage effort and improvement, and don’t wait for perfection.

3. Encourage a Growth Mindset

Teach your children the value of effort and resilience. A growth mindset fosters the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work and dedication. This mindset can help them approach challenges with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn from failures. Illustrate the difference: a fixed mindset believes abilities are innate and unchangeable, whereas a growth mindset thrives on the idea that talents can be developed. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this,” encourage your child to say, “I can’t do this yet.” This maintains a positive learning environment.

4. Promote a Balanced Approach to Education

While academic excellence is important, it should not come at the cost of mental and physical health. Encourage a balanced approach to education by promoting hobbies, physical activity, relaxation, and spending time with family and friends. Teach your child the importance of a healthy work-life balance. A balanced approach ensures that your child excels academically while developing as a well-rounded individual. It prepares them to face life’s challenges with resilience, adaptability, and a healthy perspective. By nurturing their passions, promoting physical and mental health, and fostering a love for learning, you set the stage for your child to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

5. Seek Professional Help

Be vigilant in recognizing signs of distress in your child, such as extreme anxiety, persistent sadness, changes in sleep or eating patterns, social withdrawal, or declining academic performance. These may indicate the need for professional intervention. Explain to your child that seeking assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness. Dispelling misconceptions about therapy or counseling can make them more open to the idea. Mental health is as crucial as physical health, and early intervention can prevent more severe issues from developing. If required, involve your family and close friends in the process. Valuable help is welcome from anywhere.

6. Foster Independence

Empower your children to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. This helps build confidence, adaptability, and resilience. Encourage them to set their goals and take steps toward achieving them, with your guidance and support. Fostering independence in your child is a continuous process that requires patience and guidance. By empowering them to take charge of their lives, you equip them with the skills and mindset necessary to thrive academically and navigate the challenges they’ll encounter as they grow into adulthood.

7. Teach Time Management

Time management is a crucial skill for success. Help your children develop effective time management skills to balance their studies, extracurricular activities, and leisure time. Assist them in creating a daily or weekly schedule, prioritizing tasks, setting SMART goals, breaking tasks into small steps, eliminating distractions, and regularly reviewing and adjusting their schedule. This will reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. Teaching time management is a gradual process, and consistency is key. By helping your child master this essential skill, you empower them to succeed academically and in all aspects of their life.

8. Promote Healthy Competition

Competition can be healthy when it encourages personal growth and improvement. Teach your children to compete with themselves, aiming to surpass their previous achievements rather than constantly comparing themselves to others. Competing with friends, siblings, or relatives is not only detrimental to love but also one of the least effective approaches to achieving one’s goals.

9. Build a Supportive Network

Encourage your children to build a supportive network of friends and mentors who can provide guidance and emotional support. Having a strong support system can help them cope with the pressures of competition.

10. Lead by Example

Finally, lead by example. Show your children that success is not just about academic achievements but also about being a kind, compassionate, and resilient individual. Share your own struggles and how you overcame them. Acting as a role model is the most potent strategy. All the tips mentioned earlier will be effective only when your actions exemplify them in front of your children. This way, these values become ingrained in their behavior naturally, without the need for explicit preaching. It’s often said that children emulate what they witness, not just what they are taught.


The tragic incidents in Kota serve as a stark reminder of the immense pressure faced by today’s youth. As parents and guardians, it is our duty to empower our children with the tools they need to thrive in this competitive world while prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being. By fostering open communication, setting realistic expectations, and promoting a growth mindset, we can equip our kids to face today’s challenges with confidence and resilience. Together, we can ensure that they not only survive but also thrive in the face of competition.

Dr Sunita Advani, Pune





Identifying and Fostering Linguistic Intelligence in Children

Identifying your Linguistic Intelligence

Identifying and Fostering Linguistic Intelligence in Children

Every child is a unique tapestry of intelligences, each thread representing a potential genius waiting to be uncovered. One of these threads is Linguistic Intelligence, a cornerstone of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Linguistic Intelligence involves a deep affinity for words, language, and communication. As parents and caregivers, recognizing and fostering this intelligence can significantly impact a child’s development and lifelong success.

In fourth grade, our teacher assigned us a task to write five lines about a proverb. I lacked confidence in my writing and asked my friend to read my work aloud. Surprisingly, our teacher praised her and identified her as a natural writer.

That was the first time my linguistic skills were recognized. Although I won prizes for writing, I didn’t give much attention to my talent which would have led me to be a Genius in that with ease!

Guiding children to help them realize their linguistic potential can make them a perfect Genius in his zone.

Identifying Linguistic Intelligence

Verbal Prowess: Children with linguistic intelligence display a remarkable aptitude for language from a young age. They might have an extensive vocabulary, use complex sentence structures, and enjoy sharing stories or explaining concepts.

Love for Reading: A strong attraction to books and reading is a clear indicator. These children might spend hours engrossed in novels, magazines, or any written material.

Articulate Expression: Linguistically intelligent children are adept at articulating their thoughts and feelings. They might prefer verbal communication over other forms and use eloquent language to express themselves.

Storytelling Skills: If your child often narrates imaginative tales or creates intricate narratives, it’s a sign of their linguistic aptitude. They may enjoy weaving stories out of thin air or adapting real-life events into captivating narratives.

Word Play and Humor: A keen sense of wordplay, puns, and humor can be a strong indicator. These children might delight in making up clever rhymes, puns, or engaging in word-based jokes.

Listening Skills: Children with linguistic intelligence tend to be attentive listeners. They catch nuances in language, tone, and meaning, which contributes to their own effective communication.


Fostering Linguistic Intelligence


Encourage Reading: Provide access to a wide variety of reading materials – books, magazines, newspapers, and more. Engage in discussions about their reading experiences to enhance comprehension and critical thinking.

Storytelling Opportunities: Encourage your child to create stories, whether through writing or verbal expression. This nurtures their creative thinking and linguistic skills.

Word Games: Play word games like Scrabble, crossword puzzles, or language-based apps. These activities are not only enjoyable but also enhance vocabulary and language comprehension.

Journaling: Introduce the habit of journaling. This helps children articulate their thoughts, reflect on their experiences, and refine their writing skills.

Public Speaking and Debating: Enroll your child in activities that involve public speaking or debates. These experiences boost confidence, fluency, and effective communication.

Language Exposure: Introduce them to different languages and cultures. Exposure to diverse linguistic patterns enhances their sensitivity to language nuances.

Linguistic Intelligence is a window into a child’s exceptional linguistic potential. As parents and caregivers, recognizing and nurturing this intelligence opens doors to a world of communication, creativity, and intellectual growth. By doing this you make him a Genius in his zone of genius. Embrace the power of words and watch your child’s linguistic genius flourish, enriching their life in myriad ways.

Remember: “A child’s mind is not a container to be filled but rather a fire to be kindled.” – Dorothea Brande




Raising kids in a joint family can be a great way to provide them with a strong support system and a sense of community. However, it can also be challenging, as there are often more people involved in decision-making and discipline. Here are some tips for raising kids in a joint family:

  • Communicate with your extended family. It’s important to communicate with your extended family about your parenting goals and expectations. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your child is getting the consistent messages they need.
  • Set clear boundaries. It’s important to set clear boundaries with your extended family, especially when it comes to discipline. Let them know what you are comfortable with and what you are not.
  • Be respectful of your extended family’s opinions. Even if you don’t agree with everything they say, it’s important to be respectful of their opinions. This will help to create a more positive and harmonious environment for your child.
  • Be grateful for the support. Raising kids in a joint family can be a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of support. Be grateful for the help that your extended family provides and let them know how much you appreciate it.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Involve your extended family in your child’s life. This could include taking them on outings, spending time with them at home, or asking them to help with childcare.
  • Encourage your child to spend time with their grandparents and other extended family members. This will help them to build strong relationships with their elders and learn about their family history.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of respecting their elders. This will help them to understand the value of family and tradition.
  • Be patient and understanding. Raising kids in a joint family can be challenging, but it’s also a rewarding experience. Be patient with your child and your extended family, and remember that everyone is doing their best.

Here are some specific challenges that you may face when raising kids in a joint family:

  • Differing parenting styles. It’s common for extended family members to have different parenting styles than you do. This can be a challenge, as you may not agree with how they are raising your child. It’s important to communicate with your extended family about your parenting goals and expectations, and to set clear boundaries.
  • Lack of privacy. Living in a joint family can mean that you have less privacy than you would if you lived in a nuclear family. This can be a challenge, especially when it comes to raising teenagers. It’s important to find ways to give your child some privacy, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.
  • Feeling overwhelmed. Raising kids in a joint family can be a lot of work. It’s important to ask for help from your extended family when you need it. Don’t be afraid to say no if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  • Despite the challenges, raising kids in a joint family can be a rewarding experience. By following these tips, you can create a positive and supportive environment for your child.



     Parenting coach 

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