Bonding between Ups & Downs


When the pregnancy stick confirms the arrival of a new member, the environment is naturally charged with hugs, kisses, care, and a lot of advice from near and dear ones, more by the ones who don’t even know you! The new Mommy and Daddy eagerly await for tiny troublemakers to come into their lives. And Lo! the day arrives. With the child, parents are also born. With happiness comes a lot of realization that Parenting is not a bed of roses. From breastfeeding to emotion management, the parents learn new lessons every day. Something unique, something for which they are not trained. (The experiences are so unique, that any amount of training may not suffice).

The Child and Parent grow together in the process. Sometimes the journey seems to be smooth like a calm ocean but sometimes it feels like a tsunami that just hit the bottom of the sea. Emotions of anger, frustration, guilt, disappointment, and unmatched expectations splash all over. All people involved are charged up. They love, they want to hold on, they wish to change, yet sometimes, they lose it. That tsunami threatens to disconnect the root from the fruit. It does have the power, but what is more powerful is the BOND between the Parents and the Child.

Parents must invest time and effort in nurturing a bond with the child. A bond that is unshaken even in challenging times.  Life is a journey of Ups and Downs. We all have different personalities and may be subject to thoughts, emotions, and situations of our own. There may be disagreements and differences in opinions throughout the process of Parenting. In the end, what determines the quality of the relationship is the bond that we have created.

So how do we create a strong bond?By spending Quality Time !

A time when a parent and the child are the same. The parent is no supervisor, guide, or trainer, but only a buddy. Having fun together while you play, cook, or in adventures. Being fully present without distractions, even if it is for a short while.Spending happy times together help the family sail through the sad times. Parents must set aside other priorities and focus on this aspect because this is what remains, even when they are gone. When the winds are gentle, make sure you strengthen the raft of your relationship, so when they become rough, you can still reach ashore- TOGETHER !

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