Difference between feelings and behaviour.


*Question from a Parent – My child is very Emotionally Sensitive, how do I deal with him?*

*Smart Positive Parenting*

At any age, crying is a normal response to being overwhelmed by strong feelings, like anger, fear, stress or even happiness. Some children, however, cry more than others.

Those same children may get angry more often, may feel frustrated faster, and may get overly excited compared to their peers too. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with an overly emotional child, it can make life a little bit more difficult for them.

Sometimes parents are embarrassed by overly emotional kids. Help your child to have a Healthy Relationship with their Emotions. Don’t confuse Emotions for Weakness.

*Explain the difference between Feelings and Behaviours*

It’s important for you and your children to learn how to express emotions in a socially appropriate manner.

Screaming loudly in the middle of the street or throwing a temper tantrum at home or school isn’t OK.

Tell your child that he can feel any emotion he wants—and it’s OK to feel really angry or really scared or sad.

But, make it clear that he has choices in how he responds to those uncomfortable feelings.

So even though he feels angry, it’s not OK to hit.

Or just because he feels sad, doesn’t mean he can roll around on the floor cry.

When you talk to your child about emotions also show them the emoticons and ask them to label it. In that way they can learn more about emotions and how to express it appropriately.

Smile and Spread the Smiles with be_smartparents.

From Arwa Sunelwala

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