Exams are times when everyone is scared.
Exams are times when all parents are stressed.
Exams are times when we want results and nothing else matters.
But what you say and do makes a big difference. So! Here are things you should never do during exams.
Never do this during exams
1. Never Demoralise
EFFECT: It will build their confidence and take their fear away
As parents, we unconsciously put our children down especially in front of others. Oh! He/she is useless and lazy and does not want to work at all. Demoralizing children before their exams puts doubts in their minds about their capabilities. They will not have faith in themselves. Instead say they he is really working hard, and I have faith in my child. Compliment when they are listening but watching.
2. Never talk about past failures
EFFECT- Will have faith in changing their future.
a. Most children work hard during exams because they that these exams are important. They buck up and work harder on their grades. Instead, tell them that you have faith in what they are going to do and achieve in this exam. You need to boost their ego and appreciate their efforts. Talk about things they have done well in the past.
3. Never discuss how was the exam paper.
EFFECT- Eases the mind and puts less pressure on the next exams.
a. What’s done cannot be undone what is written cannot be changed. This could pull down the child and make him get more worried about how the next paper will go. Reduce fear and inculcate happiness.
To know how to be happy you can check my article on the Happiness Dose.
4. Never Demotivate
EFFECT: It will make them believe in themselves that they can change things if they put their mind to it
a. Motivation can even make a lame man walk but if you keep telling your child he/she is useless, fit for nothing, dumb, stupid, looser, irresponsible, or a failure because you are putting thoughts of failure in your child. You are manifesting your thoughts. You are pushing your child to not achieve. Reverse psychology does not work and may backfire. It leads to self-doubt. Motivation is the only way forward for success.
5. Never be away.
EFFECT: They know you will be there with them and they can always count on you for anything
a. At least one parent should be there with the child during exams to make sure everything is going well. In case of an emergency, you are there for the child. Be there so they know that if they need any help, you are easily available and that they mean the world to you during this time. Your work, your social life, and your work should take a break. Being there for them will help build a trusting relationship. Teens like to show they are independent but deep down they need you no matter what, so be there for them. Do not make it look like a forced sacrifice or make them feel guilty that you are there for them. It will not serve the purpose. Be genuinely for them.
It is the simple things we do for our children that make them know that we love them. Be there for them because they need you always. Love them unconditionally. Let them know they are important and special. Treat them with love and affection because exams are difficult times for them, so you must go easy on them.
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Manish Sharmaa DEEP Parenting Sandhya Lal Parental Coach Maadhyam
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