How can we address kids Emotional Cravings?
Kids crave for parents undivided attention. Gizmos, gadgets, devices all are an escape route for them when they are not given to do things they truly want to engage themselves with. Have we ever realized just as we have cravings children too crave for a lot of things? Cravings are not only associated with eating disorders or providing for a sweet tooth, there are emotional cravings too. These days the pace of life is so fast that it is easy to shrug off our children’s emotional and psychological needs. How about listening to those cravings of your child and addressing them one step at a time? While it may not be possible to settle all their needs and cravings in one go but as parents can we hear them out by paying close attention to what they truly desire from a parent? All that children need is an emotional connection with their parents or primary caregivers.
Here are 10 things that kids crave to do with their parents.
1. Mamma – Tell me story or read to me
2. Play hide and seek with me.
3. Involve me in your work. Can i help you mamma?
4. Can you get me a surprise today?
5. Can you take me to the garden today?
6. Let’s do a bubble bath together ?
7. Can you put nail paint on me.
8. Come with me, stay with me all the time.
9. When are we meeting my friends ? (Since lockdown this is one of the most frequently asked question by my girls.)
10. Don’t go to the office today. I want to play with you.
Well some ‘asks’ are easy and fun while the others may not be easy to address on an everyday basis and that is okay. What is important is, to understand that kids do not need expensive objects or toys, all they require is undivided attention, unstructured playtime and a non judgmental approach from their parents. So, what do your children crave from you? Do give it a thought. Hear them out. It’s time to get reflective and give them what they truly desire from you even if it is in piece-meal.
Let’s try to invest time in our children because these will help you build beautiful memories as a family. If we are able to give them the desired attention, that in itself is playing a big role in settling their cravings. So, what are you thinking? Get set going and be a family that has fun rather than the one that’s always on the run.
I hope you found this blog useful. Do share your ideas and suggestions on how you think kid’s cravings can be addressed.
Happy Parenting!
Aditi Malik
Blogger, Podcaster and Parenting Coach.